Our Story

In 1986, founder Chuck Matthews went on a life-changing trip to Brazil. It was there, in a Sao Paulo restaurant, where a unique ceiling fan caught his attention. As if by fate, the friend he was visiting happened to know the manufacturing manager of the Gerbar fan and introduced them.

Inspired by Airplane Propeller

Ceiling Fan Expert

Matthews came to know the story of how Geraldo Barros, a retired commercial pilot, was inspired by the propeller on his plane and came up with the idea of a fan design that was both unique and timeless. After getting a tour of the manufacturing facility, Matthews—enticed by the beauty of the fans—began importing and selling them to friends and family, before eventually distributing them to retailers.


In 1992, Chuck Matthews started designing his own ceiling fans in Chicago and formed Matthews Fan Company. Matthews, a company which was built from the ground up, not only holds a true passion for the industry. They also recognize the importance of individuality. Matthews combines machine age aesthetics, expert metalwork and beautiful designs to create one-of-a-kind fans. With the company’s Matthews-Gerbar brand, handmade in the US and Brazil, and the Atlas brand, they offer functional and unique ceiling and wall fans with a modern and retro appeal.

Ready to go Matthews Fans?

Whether you have an industrial complex or a small shop, our experts are here to make your life easier, more comfortable and less expensive. Give us a call at +65 6848 8500, or request a quote to learn more about how to go Matthews Fans.